New Releases and Best Sellers
Here are some of our latest releases, along with our best sellers!
Original Comics
Drama, comedy and horror revolving around conspiracies and occult research.
Never A Straight Answer (NASA)
The Apollo Space Program resulted in one of the greatest events to shape American culture and humanity as a whole. But what if all the footage was faked? This hilarious one-shot comic illustrates Stanley Kubrick faking the moon landings.
Launching Soon!
Why did the Titanic Sink? A comic about Titanic Conspiracies!
A 28 page comic detailing every conspiracy theory about the sinking of the Titanic. Insurance fraud! Gold smuggling! Assassinations!
This comic will launch once we get ~200+ people signed up!
Launching Soon!
Satanic Panic! Comic
A 32 page comic about the history of Satanism in America, its links to pop culture, rock music, Hollywood, role playing games and more!
This comic will launch once we get ~200+ people signed up!
Launching Soon!
Bavarian Illuminati Comic!
A comic exposing the "Illuminati", an infamous secret society founded in 1776. A collaboration between Paranoid American and Doenut.
This comic will launch once we get ~500+ people signed up!
Launching Soon!
Does Bigfoot Exist? (A comic!)
A comprehensive comic about the various forms of bigfoot, from yeti and grassman to interdimensional and homeless bigfoot - it's all here!
This comic will launch once we get ~200 people signed up.
Custom Playsets
Rare Used Books