Lee's Demons
Lee Harvey Oswald mentored in the arts of Vodun by Papa Legba. Created in collaboration with Dream Fury Comics.
Coming Soon!
Lee Harvey Oswald
A conflicted young man, tormented by demons, both physical and metaphorical.
Papa Legba
Lee's mentor is an Iwa that stands where the our world and the next world meet.
Jack Ruby
A tragic guy, with a complicated backstory. Veteran, thug, patriot, drug dealer and killer.
Sidney Gottlieb
A rogue CIA scientist dubbed "The Dirty Trickster" obssessed with the occult.
George deMohrenschildt
A possible ex-Nazi, CIA asset and opportunist that faces untold horrors.
Lots of Demons!
Watch Lee Harvey Oswald kick their asses back to hell in gory and violent detail.
Thomas Gorence
Creator / Writer
Newton Lilavois
Creator / Writer
Brian Benjamin
Pencils / Inks / Colors